Tag Archives: Shopping

Thought of the day: Users


I went boxing day shopping this week. And Last night, I was looking to cuddle up with one of my male friends for a movie. I didn’t care where I had to drive or how much I had to pay; I was in the mood to be in someone’s arms. 🙂 Pointe Finale!

I call the guy who works at the bar. He agrees to meet me. We’ve been friends for a while now. Friends enough that he has had his cock in my mouth. Does that put things into perspective for you? Anyways.. by the time we get through the line-up, the 19h30 movie is sold out. Plan B? Let’s shop in the Eaton Centre until the 22h10 show. That’s a big gap of time to fill, just saying.

We’re in the mall… I drag this poor guy to La Vie en Rose for bras. It’s 2 for 1. There was no question!!! He actually helped me pick out sexy ones. See, it’s fun for both of us. I made sure of that. THEN! Outside the store.. he decides that he doesn’t want to be at the mall anymore.. and starts walking away from me. Out of no where… He says that he can’t be in the mall anymore.. he has bad memories.. and that he’s going to head back to the bar (where he works) while I continue shopping. It’s 20h30…. So when the stores close, I’m supposed to go “pick-him-up” at the bar before our movie?

I managed to find a food court to eat. I was famished! Earlier that day I saw one of my other male friends in Laval. He taught me how to use chopsticks! Tooooo gooooood!!!!!! 😀 I messaged him the scenario and told me “Get out of there and fuck him. Leave him in his alcohol.” Great advice!

I was leaving as he was just walking in. So I was stuck.
The movie was interesting… and he tried to get me to jerk him off in the SOLD OUT theatre. He claimed that no one could see. BULLSHIT LITTLE BOY!

I’m not sure how I feel about this. He put his arm around me.. and massaged alllll the tension out of my right shoulder. It felt amazing and the entire night was paid for compliments of him. So it wasn’t so much of a lose-lose situation.

We’re going on a break.
He needs to smarten up.

Women don’t chase Men who treat them like dirt.
