

I’m not sure what’s going on anymore.

I had a full blown argument with Ben. It’s done.

Mounir left for Morocco for two months. We’ll see where that goes when he comes back. At this point, I’d like him for sex. He’s a good guy. The type that will come running if you’re stuck in a snow bank. Hmm.. I hope he comes back..

But I’ve been seeing someone. He’s new. And I haven’t wanted sex from him. This is a strange twist isn’t it?

After the summer I had with Bakr, I was sort of done with men. He played with me psychologically. It was brutal. The fact that I let it happen is even worse. It’s as if I could see it happening but my hands were tied? He’s frustrate me and then pull me back in. He came home to en empty apartment about a month ago. It was very libertaing.

The new guy is fabulous. We’ve been dating since the end of September. There was a minor set back when his ex-girlfriend showed up and tried to attack me. I’ve never had to deal with the ex before. This was…

His mother passed away about a week ago. He’s back in his hometown to be with family for the moment. I miss him. It’s crazy. We would text.. and talk on the phone.. It’s like we couldn’t get enough of each other. It’s a nice feeling when someone is obsessed with you as much as you are with them.

Plus he’s been to church with me. Mega Plus!

It’s been 2 months of no sex. This is a new leaf!

About labellevieamontreal

I can easily slip out of the business attire and into my sweats. From my sweats into a dress. Many women can make transitions, but few can do it seamlessly. I however, am one of these people. Indeed, that's all you need to have a fabulous day. The simplicity I exude is augmented only by my ability to be tremendously complex on demand. Not schizophrenic, but dynamic. Controlled and aware.

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