Tag Archives: Bakr

One year later…


Oh how things have changed!

A couple of dress sizes smaller and a whole lot happier, here I am! I have been celibate since Alae in December. I’m very happy after reading all the bad experiences I went through with men and sex. Totally different views on everything!

A Quick Update:

Mounir is still in my life. I haven’t seen him since the hottub moment with my bestfriend. He calls me from time to time. I think I still have feelings for him.

Bakr is another great story. He will need a post for himself. This time last year, I packed up the apartment and left him his mattress and a note. Never looked back.

Nick is back in Toronto with his wife and child. Interesting?

Moe is still an idiot.

Alae’s ex-girlfriend walked in on us and attacked me.

I haven’t heard from Bob. I told him that I didn’t want sex and he told me that sex was the only way he could express himself. I think he has bigger problems than I do.

Michel has talked to me a few times. With all the working out, I’m just that much closer to becoming Ava.

Sometimes you have to take a step back and look at the things happening around you.



I’m not sure what’s going on anymore.

I had a full blown argument with Ben. It’s done.

Mounir left for Morocco for two months. We’ll see where that goes when he comes back. At this point, I’d like him for sex. He’s a good guy. The type that will come running if you’re stuck in a snow bank. Hmm.. I hope he comes back..

But I’ve been seeing someone. He’s new. And I haven’t wanted sex from him. This is a strange twist isn’t it?

After the summer I had with Bakr, I was sort of done with men. He played with me psychologically. It was brutal. The fact that I let it happen is even worse. It’s as if I could see it happening but my hands were tied? He’s frustrate me and then pull me back in. He came home to en empty apartment about a month ago. It was very libertaing.

The new guy is fabulous. We’ve been dating since the end of September. There was a minor set back when his ex-girlfriend showed up and tried to attack me. I’ve never had to deal with the ex before. This was…

His mother passed away about a week ago. He’s back in his hometown to be with family for the moment. I miss him. It’s crazy. We would text.. and talk on the phone.. It’s like we couldn’t get enough of each other. It’s a nice feeling when someone is obsessed with you as much as you are with them.

Plus he’s been to church with me. Mega Plus!

It’s been 2 months of no sex. This is a new leaf!

Living with a Man


So many things to update!

Ben is in the friend zone at the moment. It was a big hoopla of complication talks and lots of tears that brought us to the friend zone area. Might I add that we’re still sleeping together? We’ve come a long way. The sex was becoming boring. It would be quickies before work. He would literally strip at my front door and then missionary it in the bedroom. No fun for me.

Last week, he invited me to a hotel. This was new. We’re looking into escorts and such since he’s always dreamed of a threesome. I won’t do it, so I suggested hiring two girls of his choice. He said he would give me the BFE (Boyfriend Experience – for those of you who know about agencies the base rate for a girl covers the GFE. This is called the girlfriend experience.) This went well. We even made a video and took pictures during. I wore a long black trench coat with a black negligee and garter. He was floored. I felt really good.


This was an experience and a half. I’ve only fallen a few times so far. Michel would be the first, Ben the second, and Mounir. Strongest feelings. Maybe because I could see a future with them all?

Mounir was 32 and married. I didn’t know the latter until we were six months into our relationship. He was good to me though. I tried the 3 month rule with him and it killed us. He became distant about a month in. The first 3 dates I thought we were going to explode with the amount of passion that was between us. Definite spark. 🙂 He disappeared though. One day he was just gone.. I’m not sure I’m over it yet. Lack of closure might be keeping me from forgetting him.


And now, Bakr lives with me. After everything, I figured why not just get a male roommate? We went out a few times. Told him I was a virgin, and he still wanted to see me. Bonus! We may end up dating.. He kisses me goodnight. It’s cute.


More on this topic to come..